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Subscribe to E-news

You are invited to register your email address for receiving the Green Burial e-Newsletter via email to get the latest news, including guided tours, promotional activities, lectures and exhibitions, etc. E-newsletters are issued in March, June and September; or latest news will be issued when appropriate.

Notice Regarding the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance

All personal data1 provided by means of this registration is voluntary and will be used by the FEHD for communication and correspondence, as well as for statistics and research purposes. Your personal data will not be used for any other purpose or transfer to any other person, except as required by law. You have a right to request access to or the correction of your personal data as stated in this registration. Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of this registration including the request for access and correction, should be addressed to our team at 2562 7130 (Tel.) or 2890 5110 (Fax.)

 1 Personal data defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486)

Unsubscribing and updating procedure

All subscribers have a right to request correction or unsubscribe the registration. For request of un-subscription, the subscriber’s information will be deleted from the system backup within 1 month after receiving the relevant request. If an email sent to the subscriber bounces back three or more times, the subscription will be automatically deleted from our operational system without any notice.
